Sunday 21 December 2014

How Shingles Occurs In Eye And How To Diagnose It?

Approx 85% people carry HSV-1 virus. This virus is mainly responsible for shingles, but not everyone of 85% people get eye infection because of it. However chances are same and once shingles occurred on eye, it can cause serious damages to that person’s vision. When HSV-1 virus infects a person, his body’s immune system faces too much problem in deactivating this virus. Consequently herpes zoster problem occurs in the skin and after that it causes rashes and too much pain. There are many reasons of getting infected through HSV-1 virus and some main reasons are age, stress and also other kinds of eye infection. You can take it as a normal skin problem, when shingles occurs on other parts of body, but not on eye because its consequences can be very bad.

How could I find out shingles in eye?

When shingles occurs in eye, our body shows many kinds of symptoms. If you will judge those symptoms on right time, you can prevent this problem or later you may face serious problems. The symptoms, which state you are getting ailed by HSV infection, are pain in eyes; it can also be blurred vision because in almost cases people have experienced blurred vision before shingles in eyes. If your eyes are getting red and you are also feeling pain in your eyes, it can be shingles and you should immediately meet to the doctor for diagnosing it. If you are continuously feeling itching sensation near your eyes and nose, this can also be a symptom of shingles in the eye and you should go to doctor for diagnosing this problem.

As quickly you will diagnose the problem that quickly you will take steps forward to cure this problem. People often wait for sores and then later their vision become blurred and even they feel too much pain because of it. Experts say that it is common to have shingles in people, who are older than 50. By the way, nowadays young people are also getting infected by shingles in the eyes and it is happening because of weakened immune system.

Cause of shingles in eyes:

During the adult age, varicella-zoster virus remains in the body of many people. This virus normally remains inactive in the body because of strong immune system, but as a person’s immune system becomes weakened, this virus starts moving in other parts of body and also towards eyes. Thus, it causes problem of herpes zoster and that person faces shingles in eyes. One, who wants to prevent himself from shingles in the eyes and other parts of the body, he must work to make immune system stronger.

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